Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day

A Day to Celebrate
We are always honored to celebrate our talented engineers here at Alvine Engineering. International Women in Engineering Day sheds light on the amazing work that women engineers do on a daily basis as they maneuver a field that is highly male-dominated. They continuously crush glass ceilings, exert bravery, and are amazing mentors to the future generations of female engineers.
To celebrate International Women in Engineering Day, we asked some of the outstanding women in engineering within our office what the day signified to them and why they chose to pursue a career in the engineering field.

Antonia Nelson is an Alvine Engineering project manager and a licensed electrical engineer with nearly a decade of experience. Antonia is passionate about introducing sustainable design solutions to her clients and applying them to her projects as well as collaborating with our electrical teams.
What inspired you to become an engineer?
I always had an interest in how and why things work, and have been able to apply that curiosity to a career in which those qualities play a big hand.
What does International Women in Engineering Day mean to you?
International Women in Engineering Day is a celebration of women choosing a career path that is challenging and values creativity. I’ve worked alongside so many brilliant women in this industry, and love bringing visibility to the endless possibilities in engineering.
Payton Parker
Mechanical Designer
Payton Parker is one of our firm’s newest mechanical designers and has currently been with Alvine Engineering for the past three months. Payton graduated from the University of North Texas in 2019 with a 3.8 GPA and was an honorary Dean’s List member. She spent a year and a half as a mechanical engineer in training before transitioning to our firm.
What challenges did you overcome to be the engineer you are today?
The hurdles of stereotyping, imposter syndrome, and adapting to various communication styles. Learning to be confident in my strengths while recognizing that there’s always room to grow is an ongoing battle.
What would you like to tell the upcoming generation of women engineers?
Stick to your goals and aspirations despite the inevitable challenges you will face. Be intentional in developing a community of support to help you through the tough moments and to celebrate the successful ones.

Kathleen Walker
Electrical Designer
Kathleen Walker is on the electrical design team and has been with the firm for over five years. Kathleen got her start as an intern and, thanks to her quality design prowess and collaborative mindset, was invited to continue her work with the firm as a full-fledged designer.
What does International Women in Engineering Day mean to you?
To me, International Women in Engineering Day is a celebration of the women past, present, and future who inherently bring a different perspective, look at the world through a different lens, and the positive changes that come from us being at the table.
Who’s a mentor that’s helped you with your career?
It’s hard to identify just one person. I’ve had lots of people, whether its teachers, former classmates, coworkers, etc. help me in a myriad of ways. Whether it’s helping with projects, professional development and networking, or simply being a resource/ a safe person to ask the “stupid” questions to.
Izzy Swerczek
Electrical Designer
Izzy Swerczek is an electrical designer at Alvine Engineering and recently completed her master’s in architectural engineering in 2022. Izzy interned with our firm for around nine months before joining part-time while she worked on her thesis. After graduating, she transitioned to designing full-time.
What does International Women in Engineering Day mean to you?
It means more visibility for women in engineering and teaching young girls, through outreach and by example, that a career in engineering is possible.
Who inspired you to become an engineer?
I was inspired by the engineers I met who spoke about their careers and projects. They were proud of what they had accomplished. They showed me that engineers are involved in every aspect of our daily lives and can make a lasting impact through their work.